Quality control Laboratories

  • Location: Mortágua, Portugal
  • Client: Laboratórios Basi / FHC Farmacêutica
  • Services: Preliminary and final project
  • Surface Area: 1.465 m2 + 2.000 m2
  • Year: 2008 y 2010-2012

We have developed a pharmacology quality control laboratory in an existing industrial unit in Mortágua (Portugal).
This space held a wood treatment company in the past, meaning we had to adapt the space and building services to meet the requirements of the pharmacological regulations of the European Union.
The project did not have much effect on the building envelop, and we only had to add openings to some rooms to improve natural lighting or to allow for the flow of people, materials and products.
Thanks to these openings, it was also possible to bring natural light into the corridors and other areas, significantly improving the quality of the work environment.
The new laboratories have more microbiology areas, and other physical-chemical analysis ones.
The water treatment zone stands out, as it has a process for the treatment of sludges to avoid the contamination of aquifers.

The laboratories allow for the fulfilment of the quality controls required by the Portuguese medication agency for products sold by FHC, but they also serve third parties.
For that motive, one of the design criteria was that, whenever the laboratory type permitted it, the laboratory space should be visible from the exterior.
Indus initially completed a preliminary project to establish needs and plan the spaces, all following the GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice)/GLP (Good Laboratory Practice) regulations. Then, we developed the final project and assisted the owners during construction.

Central Barcelona
Via Augusta, 4, 08006 Barcelona
Teléfono: 932 17 56 54

Delegación Madrid
Santa Úrsula, 7. 28801,
Alcalá de Henares, Madrid

Teléfono: +34 911 177 221

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